Gracewood of North Branch- Happy almost Spring!

We have had an exciting week at Gracewood Senior Living in North Branch!  We have been so happy to see the sunshine, and not only that, the amaryllis that we have been waiting for, has bloomed!  Some of us took bets on how many flowers would come of it, and we ended up with four beautiful red flowers!

The Homemakers Club brought a load of different hats for us to try on and walk back in time with.  Everyone talked about the different kinds of hats they wore through the years.  We loved seeing which one suited each other.  It was truly a fun day.

Our first letter from our new pen pal came in the mail from South Carolina.  It was so fun to hear about their weather and about their new baby!  We wrote back and had more to tell than we thought we would!  We can’t wait to see what will be on our agenda for next week!

Happy almost Spring!

Gracewood of Hugo- Valentine Activities

The residents at Gracewood of Hugo spent an entire week in February doing Valentine activities.  The residents searched for 100 hearts hidden in the common areas all over the building.  They also searched for one special chocolate filled heart.  Jackie and Trudy were gracious enough to return to Gracewood to lead a Valentine’s Day sing-a-long for us.  The songs were all about love and marriage.  The week concluded with delicious valentine treats with raspberry cheesecake, chocolates, and red punch.

White Pine of White Bear Lake-St. Paul Winter Carnival Royalty

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

January was a busy month for us at White Bear Lake.  We all were so excited when the St. Paul Winter Carnival Royalty came and spent an afternoon with us! February is going to be a busy month as well.  Come join us for some music with Tony Tuesdays at 10:30am, and don’t miss out on our Valentine's day party February 13th at 2pm with live entertainment.