White Pine of Inver Grove Heights-Fun Events

Inver Grove Heights is pushing through the Winter with fun! Parties, Valentines, and Ice Cream Socials fill our days as we wait for Spring! 

Comforts of Home-Dementia Live-the experience

The Wisconsin Managers were the first to participate in Dementia Live – the experience.

It was very interesting for them to experience how a person with dementia touches, sees and feels.

This process will help them relate better to their residents and put themselves in their shoes.

Comments heard were: frustrating, anxious, fearful, dizzy, confused, etc.

This ‘experience’ will be provided to all buildings in the upcoming year.

White Pine of White Bear Lake-Family Time

White Bear Lake is very excited about all of the wonderful family involvement in our building! Here are a few of those amazing families that were here last month!